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farm to altar table

The Staff of Life: the story of wheat and the Spiritual life

Learn about the essential role that bread played in Jesus’ life and ministry and how it became known as the Staff of Life. We’ll look at how bread has changed over the centuries and the impact those changes are having on our health, our spiritual life, and on Creation.

Come taste and see, yes, we’ll be taste testing!

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sourdough bread baking

One of our favorite uses of heirloom whole wheat flour is sourdough bread. In this workshop, bakers will learn to how to bake a beautiful sourdough boule in their home. 

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bread baking praticum:

heirloom grains

This workshop integrates meaningful spiritual reflection with culinary lessons.  As we discuss the ingredients, tools, and processes that create bread and flour, we are never far from the sacramental reality that these are the outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual truth.

Intended for members of bread making guilds but open to all.