This workshop integrates meaningful spiritual reflection with culinary lessons.  As we discuss the ingredients, tools, and processes that create bread and flour, we are never far from the sacramental reality that these are the outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual truth.

In the practicum, we’ll examine more closely the differences between commercial flour and flour made from heirloom grains. We’ll also work on adjusting your recipes for whole grains. Everyone will learn to produce incredibly healthy and flavorful communion bread with low-tech equipment – baked with our freshly milled, heirloom whole wheat flour.

We’ll conclude by sharing the bread we’ve made — warm from the oven – tasting the work of our companionship.  

If you'd like to offer this workshop at your church or synagogue please fill out the form below.


Bread baking practicum interest form

Contact us here if you're interested in hosting a Bread Baking Practicum.