Our Story

Freshly baked bread has been an essential element of a bountiful table throughout history.

At Honoré, our mission is to restore and strengthen the relationship between people and the land. Through our work, we honor agricultural traditions that revitalize the health of our communities, while building resilience into our dynamic food system to benefit future generations to come. Now that’s the work of redemption!

For thousands of years, wheat products sustained generations of people, because they were a nearly perfect package of vitamins, fiber, healthy fats, and hundreds of other phytochemicals. It’s no wonder that bread became known as the “staff of life.”

These nutritious grains grown by our ancestors are no longer used in most modern bread, and modern milling techniques further process grain, making flavorless and starchy flour that rapidly converts to sugar in the body – even when labeled whole grain.

But, there’s good news! A movement is afoot: a renaissance of baking bread using the heirloom grains grown in America is taking off.

Honoré’s flour is a return to the origin: the original superfood.

Since 2014, Honoré Farm and Mill has grown bio-diverse, heirloom wheat varieties, such as Sonora, Red Fife, Turkey Red, Hourani, and others. We grow our grains on fertile, small family farms using organic farming practices without irrigation. Our grains are then freshly stone-milled into whole grain flour that is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.

Our whole wheat flour creates baked goods that many people with gluten issues (not celiac, however) find they can once again enjoy.

Honoré is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to educating and serving everyone in our community. Our work is supported through the sales of flour and heirloom wheat products, educational experiences, church and individual CSA memberships, generous donations, and our Crop Adopt sponsorship program.

 We are named for Honoratus of Amiens or St. Honoré who is patron saint of bakers, pastry chefs, communion bread bakers, and flour merchants. He lived in 7th century France and was known as a humble and generous man, always pictured with a baker's peel.


We are dedicated to restoring and strengthening the relationship between people and the land through regenerative farming practices, the cultivation of heritage grains and experiential education. We do so by honoring agricultural traditions that revitalize the health of our communities while building resilience into our dynamic food system to benefit future generations to come.


Honoré’s vision is to transform food and farm systems so that they reflect reverence and the regenerative capacities that are present both in the wheat fields and within us. Regeneration of one is dependent on the other. The centerpiece of this vision is the creation of a care farm: a hub for the cultivation of heritage grains, where farmers, educators, artists, and learners come together in kinship with the land and each other.